Week 1
First, we listed our ideas and created a google doc to organize our ideas.
Then, I went to the Lesson before school to learn how to log in
I had trouble loging in, so I asked peole around me. I later figured out that I didn’t make .env file, that’s why I couldn’t log in.
Then I signed up for postman
We made canva poster to show our design the website visually.
Not only that, my table worked together with other groups
Week 2
Our group’s progress
We struggled to save the chat even when we reload the page.
We also made like add post and post already to show how it is.
I tried to make leaderboard, but we decided that it’s too messy and we might add it later and organize it.
Week 3
This week’s progress. Now, the chat saves even when I reload. Locally saves. Then we made emojis and it also saves. We added post section. It is more organized. We can choose coach, player, or other roles and the message.