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Planning Document

planning document


Although I attempted to change the color of the buttons on top and the title Gyutae Home, I couldn’t figure out how to do them. Also, I tried to make a button that says theme-swither, so that I can change the theme, but I couldn’t do it. I added the button and put the theme in the _sass folder and then add the code to js, I still couldn’t figure out. I actually made a blog post. At first, I had trouble making it, but then I found out that I need to make a .md file in _posts foler and then add the _layouts .html file theme into the blog. For emoji, I attempted to make an emoji in the python cell. At first, it said external error. I tried again from the beginning, I succesfully made the emoji.

Week 1 plan: Finish the setup Week 2 plan: Work on frontend and design website Week 3: Make games and add new features to the website. Week 4: Add itune and organize the notebook.

This week, I am planning to make a rock paper scissors game and add more description to my about page so that I can go above and beyond.